
This Gilbert and Sullivan Parody archive has been around since, 1996 or so; long enough, and transferred homes from enough different servers that the actual creation date has been lost to memory.

The parody archive was a Yahoo! pick of the day in 1997 (sometime…), and the Geek Site of the Day in summer of 1997. And we’d like to thank the New York Times for mentioning us in their “Screen Grab” article on online Gilbert and Sullivan (Sept 17, 1998, D7)

I love satire and parody, whether it be Tom Lehrer, PDQ Bach, or Weird Al Yankovic, and when I caught the G&S bug, well, this site just kind of happened. Now on it’s 4th server, it has been converted to a WordPress site, which hopefully will mean no more long no-update stretches.

Got a parody you would like to suggest? E-mail me at parody AT jeliza.net. If you are looking for scores and recordings, feel free to visit the amazon associate store; it helps with the hosting bill, and I’ve tried to make it a useful list. (Feel free to take down title names and buy them from your local independent record or book store, and if you still want to help with my hosting bill, perhaps you would care to buy some of my art?)